We had been wanting to re-visit one of our 'ole favorites' this past week to rekindle the memories of why it's a favorite... and glad we did. The walk in to Georgianna Falls fallows along the Harvard Brook which is laden with smaller falls along the way. The Photo to the right is of where you get the first good look at Harvard Brook.
The photo to the left is one of many smaller rivulets along the way. The side streams are best and some times only seen during spring run-off and after torrential rains. See, there is an up side to rain in the mountains yet please always use caution near the water. White Mountain river rocks get extremely slippery!!
The first set of falls which are spectacular in their own right, and as seen below left, are but a taste of what lies ahead. The trail does get steep at times and may be difficult to follow. Wear a good pair of hikers and if you drift too far of stream, you know you are off trail. Just keep this in mind as you work your way up through the rocks that have "washed up" during previous floods. There's lots of'em, you'll see. See Below Right
From the mid-spring weeks of about April 27 to May 15, give or take a bit for location south vs. north and you are most sure to see some of the most beautiful Spring Trilium along the way.
On-ward and upward and after about 35 to 40 minutes you ought to be nearing the top and main set of falls. Careful on the climb up and no goofin' around near the edges allowed. The price of slipping will be a hefty if not life threatening one. Just be safe and you will be fine however.
This tour is brought to you by the experts at Franconia Notch Vacations, a professional vacation rental accommodation and concierge serve serving the Franconia Notch and surrounding White Mountain locations. See a complete list of Franconia Notch Vacations Accommodations at our website. http://www.franconiares.com or call toll free. 800-247-5536.
It is our pleasure helping you plan and enjoy yours. We understand... your vacations are precious and your comfort is key.
Cort Roussel
Franconia Notch Vacation Specialist
& Owner-Broker
Franconia Notch Vacations
Franconia Notch Vacation Rental & Realty LLC